Adventures in Gardening: Toddlers in the Garden

We spend quite a bit of time in our backyard. Playing on the swing set, pretending in the playhouse, maneuvering our way down the slide, countless hours making sandcastles in the sandbox but we also like to get our hands dirty in the garden.

I have found that my girls really like to “help” me out with some of my hobbies. I love that the garden is one those fun helper roles.

Their favorite garden activity is watering.

This year I decided to allocate some space just for them. As they get older and more involved, I will increase my creativity on how and what they can do. But for this year, I decided to just keep it simple. Each one of them will have their own container.  I will still encourage that they help me with our bigger space but this little container will be all theirs. So if they want to overwater it, pull out the lovely little veggies early, or just dig around the dirt, it’s as some like to say…. “all gravy”.

I hope by getting the girls out into the garden, I can teach them the importance of where their food comes from. Hopefully get them excited to enjoy the taste of a truly fresh tomato or carrot.  But most importantly it’s something that we can do together that’s enjoyable and fun.

I picked up these kid’s garden seeds.

Some fun things that kids can do:  dig in the dirt, help with watering, plant seeds, help take kitchen scraps to compost bin, help turn the compost bin, jump in the mud, explore bugs!

Sometimes it’s not so fun, especially when mommy tells you that you can’t jump in any more mud puddles and that it’s time to go inside.

Inadvertent Farmer
We are participating in the Kinder Garden contest over at Sweet Grace’s pad. What a fun way to inspire families to get out and get the kiddos involved. There is still time to get into the action!

In the meantime we are enjoying life on our little suburban farm.



Featured On

I am feeling the bloggy love.

My princess and Knight party was featured on (click on photo for jump).

Save the Date for Cupcakes is…..well exactly that. A site for cupcakes and more! There is so much inspiration in this site. It will instantly make you want to do a fabulous dessert table for your next party. Go check her out.

Thanks to Save the Date for Cupcakes for the sugary sweet write up!

You can also find me here on my favorite web designer’s site (click on photo for jump)

And my great friend JJ’s cupcake stand from Princess M’s party was featured here (click on photo for jump)

Thanks to all 3 sites for the links!



I have a dozen posts drafted up.  I am just trying to find time to finish editing photos and finding the words to share.

In the meantime here is a great capture of our Firecracker.

Isn’t her smile contagious?

Don’t forget to head over to check out all the other entries.  New thumbnail links, so cool!



A girl and her dog…….

Well it’s not really her dog. It actually belongs to good friends of ours. But you couldn’t tell from these photos. Princess M fell in love and spent the entire time of our visit playing with her (actually them; there were 3).

By the end of the day the dogs were more tired than she was.

This  week’s theme at I Heart Faces is “Collages” and here is mine.  I love these boards, they really tell the story.

Go check out all the other great entries.