
Here were are and it’s almost the end of October!! Does anyone else feel like August and September just vanished into thin air?  We already miss the Summer. 🙁 But luckily Winter is not just here yet. October has proven to probably be THE most beautiful month out of this entire year. Hardly any rain and every weekend has been absolutely spectacular.  I know it won’t last for long so we are really trying to relish what’s left before the real cold sets in.

This of course is one the girls’ favorite times of year.  They have been non-stop talking about it. Halloween is next week!!  We have been watching Halloween shows and movies, reading borrowed books from the library on Halloween, and preparing our front stoop for all of those trick or treaters.  I always kick myself for putting in so much effort on the stoop and then only being able to enjoy it for a few weeks. This year we got an early start, we decorated our Halloween pumpkins the 1st day of October and since we didn’t carve them, we are hoping they last through Thanksgiving.

The girls had a blast with this project, happily finding their own creativity along the way.


I am grateful that the weather has been holding up because I am waist-high with holiday photo sessions, I am hoping to keep it up through mid-November. Unfortunately though, all of this shooting and editing has left me little time in the sewing room. But everyone knows, no matter what is going on or how busy I am, there are 3 times a year that I roll up my shirt sleeves and get to craftin’….Birthdays and Halloween!

The girls have been back and forth on what they wanted their costume to look like this year.  (I may have talked them out of a Disney Princess or two….). Anyhow, after much discussion we finally settled on something. But their list and demands were long. Like, very long.


Me–“Girls we need to decide on your Halloween costume?”

Princess–“I want to be a superhero and fly down and rescue people.”

Firecracker–“I want to be a purple butterfly.”

(which is funny and so opposite of their nicknames. )

Me–“Okay.” (Now I am intrigued).  “Well, what do you want your costume to look like?”

Them–“I want a blue body and yellow legs”…one kid repeating the other, and so on and on and on. They described the most rainbow-colored costume ever!


Sort of.

I am not going to lie, I was secretly happy. I love a good Halloween costume challenge. 🙂

But I needed a pattern so that I was at least organized about it all.

I remembered this post last year from one of my fave blogs, Dig This Chick.  She sketched out her daughter’s halloween costume—total rock star status. Well, since I don’t have the artistry to do that, I enlisted the help of 1 (of many) creative and talented niece.

I called her and asked if she could help out. But I stressed to her, don’t make a big deal about it and keep it simple. We got on the phone together (with Firecracker and Princess shouting in the background) and listened intently to all of their demands.  And my niece went to work. Before the end of the day, I receive 2 picture messages. One of each kid.



Is she not effing fantastic? I love it. I can’t wait to get started.

Wednesday is my day to roll up the shirt sleeves and get er’ done.

Wish me luck!